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Kinda Cheesy brake cable with housing and ferules for upright style bike with non drop levers

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SKU: GI-bcwh


Kinda basic but supposedly made-in-France brake cable with housing and some ferules.  The cable looks long enough for something like a Raleigh 3sp's rear brake.  The cable end is for an upright style lever.  The package says there also should be an end for a typical road bike - but that is FALSE - it is NOT a double ended cable.  There is a ferule that's cool and handy (seems to fit into Weinemann and Diacompe levers that need the big ferule thing.  And there are other ferule bits as shown.  There is a rather small diamter shorter housing that is quite stiff, and a longer 49cm housing (cool old grey stuff) that is more flexible.  Some packages have been opened, but are complete.  Not our usual thing, but they came to us in a parts shipment and we need to sell them.

