It is the buyers responsibility to examine all items to determine if an item is safe for use The buyer accepts all responsibility for use of items purchased
A nice Suntour long cage NOS rear derallleur. This isn't super high end, but it looks quite rugged and the Suntour pulleys alone are worth close to the price of admission. This should be perfect if you're looking for a vintage rear deralleur for your vintage rides that needs lower gearing.
All the ones we have are NOS but have some shopwear, some worse than others (the really bad ones will be offered under a different listing). We folks selling used ones for not much less than these new ones we have. The photos show a pretty typical example of the unit you will receive.
Note that derailleur has the famouns Suntour Design slant parallelogram design - as the derailleur exteds towards the lower cogs, the derailleur cage assemple moves downward to track the cog size and keep the chain close to the cog. Conversely, as you shift to higher gears (smaller cogs in rear) the derailleur cage assembly moves up to keep the cog/derailleur pulley distance close which makes for better shifting.