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Campagnolo Mtb bb spindle - just the spindle 140mm - yes, you read that right! Read for possible road use

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Maximum Quantity: 3


A wicked long Campy bb spindle.  Just the spindle.  For use we're sure with a triple Mtb crank set up.  140mm symetric.  It appears to use 1/4" balls in conjunction with thick type Campy cups.  Most likely the ones Campy made but which we don't have that used a shield seal system.  Our guess is Nuovo Record cups would work.  So you can use this for what its intended if you have such a bike.  Alternatively, it might be of some use on a tandem.


Also, it might have use on a bike where your using something like a Campy NR/SR triple and you want to get the arms way out to clear chainstays.  But our figuring, it will bring the drive arm out about 5mm further than typical and the non-drive out about 9mm.  But remember that those Campy triples had the arms kicked way out on the drive side relative to the non-drive side by close to that amount, so it might make your postion more symetric.  That said, this is only something you do if you really need to as it destroys Q factor and makes a mess of chainline.  But there could be cases where you could tweak the chainline with cluster position and make it work.  BUT - remember that Campy NR type cranks ARE NOT OK to use off road - they had enough failure issues on the road.  So be darn sure you are going to use the bike appropriately if you engage in such sillyness.  But if your a light spinner, and you have the vintage crank, and you have a frame that has wide chainstays, it could all come together as an excuse for you to buy this.  It is a pretty far fetched story we admitt...........but the acounting department says "move product"....

