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Campagnolo NOS Nuovo Record BSC thread double post CPSC change 114.5mm bottom bracket

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SKU: LB1-T812-248


A Campagnolo Nuovo Record Bottom Bracket.  NOS (new old stock, never used).  Yiou wlll receive the bottom bracket in the photos.  This is an espeically nice example of an NOS bottom bracket!

Threading British aka English / BSC  
Application Double, post CPSC change  
Spindle Marking World logo   
Spindle Condition Nice NOS condition  
Adjustable Cup Race Condition NOS  
Adjustable Cup Cosmetic Condition Nice!  
Fixed Cup Race Condition Nice NOS condition  
Fixed Cup Cosmetic Condition Nice  
Condition of bolts and sleeve and bearings Lovely NOS  
Spindle length 114.5mm asymetric  
Thin or Fixed cups? (Thick always supplied for NR double) Thick  
Box Condition Appears new, perhaps not original to bb, very nice!  
Any Cosmoline Staining*? No  
Any Corossion  No  
Is there Cosmoline staining or corrosion that is expected to impact performance? No  

*  Campagnolo often packaged parts from the factory with Cosmoline in order to prevent corrosion.  From our examination of many NOS bearing races, we find that Cosmoline itself may actually stain the bearing race.  The factory probably never imagined that product would remain unused for many decades enabling this to occur.  If we remember correctly, 20 years ago when we would see a Cosmoline coated surface, the races would look pristine when removed.  These days, after so many years have passed, this is not the case.  We don't think that actual peformance is impacted with typical staining.  But we make note of it.  And if we see that there appears to be a lack of smoothness in an area with staining we'll make special note of that.  

