It is the buyers responsibility to examine all items to determine if an item is safe for use The buyer accepts all responsibility for use of items purchased
The photo shows an Italian one - but for this listing you get a French one - ignore the photo. Otherwise, the cup is of the same generation as the one in the photo.
Campagnolo Nuovo Record French Thread (35x1) Fixed Cup.NOS. We obtained a small quantity and they came to us in bulk Campagnolo spare parts bags - so they are very factory fresh with a bit of the all important cosmoline still waiting to be wiped off.. There may be some shopwear. This is a Nuovo Record cup so it has the thick riffled walls. It also is the same as later Chorus and Croce cups.
We have just the fixed up. If we had the adjustable cup, we'd be selling a pair for much more money in a salute to unbridled capitalsm. But we don't - you get just what you see in the photo.
These are 78 and later production, so perfect for all those 1980's French threaded bikes. And especially good for those who have accidentaly rounded off the flats on their current fixed cup and want to get one that looks better in order to freshen things. up. For this crazy price, its affordable to do!. Or maybe you are lucky and you have an adjustable cup just sitting around, and this lets you complete the pair for a bargain price.