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2026 Classic Bicycles Auburn Supporter



There is no show for 2025 - but it's already time to think about 2026!  The dates in 2026 are June 12-14th.

Be a supporter of Classic Bicycles Auburn.  Your $$'s now helps defray the expenses already incurred for 2026 (the big deposit we made to secure the spectacular venue for the weekend).  The $25 you pay now for this "item" will turn into a $35 credit when the actual registration opens.  This $25, though, is non-refundable.  So if you don't attend, you're simply making a donation to the event.

Note that all proceeds above expenses for the show go to the amazing Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum.  So if the show looses money, Boulder Bicycle makes up the difference. If the show "makes money" the museum gets that as a bonus.

And remember that the 2026 show will be the last Classic Bicycles Auburn event.  So it's our last chance to get together in the amazing venue!

