It is the buyers responsibility to examine all items to determine if an item is safe for use  The buyer accepts all responsibility for use of items purchased





3 Females (nuts) only for Campagnolo Seatpost binder bolt - typical 8mm NOS



You get 3 of these for a great price!  Offered here is the female to a Campy seatpost binder bolt.  Typical 8mm.  We see one seller on ebay with a current price of $7.99 has sold 17 of these at that price.  Do the math, this is a much better deal!


Here is the thing, it is usually the male (threaded) part that typically fails.  But some folks custom file/cut the female side in order to avoid bottoming out the binder on some lugs.  Or some folks might want to take a non-campy bolt, and with this female you can make many such bolts "half Campy" for a dirt cheap price! 


We suggest you NOT buy this item if you simply want to list it on ebay as eventually a pile of these are likely to wind up on ebay (probably from the shop we split the big Ochsner purchase with) and the ebay price will be almost, but not quite, as nice.

