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# 685 and #683 Substitutes Campagnolo Triomphe (fits Nuovo Record) Lower Head Cup and BSC Threaded race NOS

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Here is a really neat item - a lower Campy Triomphe headset cup and an upper threaded race (bsc thread).  Parts are factory fresh NOS.  There are a lot of uses for these parts.  Note that these parts interchange with Campagnolo Nuovo Record as well as Campy Victory.


There are a lot of uses for these parts here are a couple:


- If you have a Nuovo Record headset with a really toasted lower headcup, its nearly impossible to find one of those.  This one will work.  Plus you get the upper, so now the upper and lower parts of the headset will cosmetically match.


- If you have a really old frame for which a Nuovo Record headset looks "too new", and you have a Nuovo Record headset, these parts will now make your headset look older as the unmarked cups we're offering here have a really nifty vintage look.

