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Campagnolo Nuovo Record headset super nice rebuild kit 1970's crown race lower cup upper cup NOS read

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SKU: LB-4-37-211


A great find - a Campagnolo Nuovo Record headset NOS rebuild kit - you get the crown race, the lower head cup, and the upper head cup.  Parts are all NOS and the crown race is a nice 1970's variety with the lovely Campagnolo markings.  Like many NOS headset parts, everything is nice but not 100% "perfect" - there is some oxidation and a couple of silly small nicks on the races - see the photos. But we'd be shocked and stunned if this had any impact at all on the operation of this headset.  And of the ones we have, this one is really great.  If you have a headset and the races are worn, this will essentially get you a fresh start with your headset and it looks great too!  The photos show the exact parts you will receive.

