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Eldi tool for Regina splined freewheels. This tool has a thinner wall than the Park equivalent. Therefore you can get this tool past vintage Campy axle nuts (typically) without needing to pull the axle! This is a huge time savor. This is why the vintage thin-wall tools really sell for a premium on ebay.
Of course, any thinner wall tool (like Phil or the original Regina's) are more likely to fail. But we've used thin wall removers for years with great results. The Eldi seems quite nicely made (we haven't used it). We have a few of these - all new and all lovely. You may see what looks like corrosion or marks on the splines in the photos. There is not corrosion, it's just the plating coloration and the splines are more nicely defined than many other removal tools we've seen. This is a nice item for sure!