It is the buyers responsibility to examine all items to determine if an item is safe for use  The buyer accepts all responsibility for use of items purchased





# of Columns:



12 - 14 June 2026

No show in 2025


Click for 2024 show Schedule on ClassicBicycles Auburn Site

The 2026 show will follow a very similar format - details to be announced later

Note that judging may be a more casual affair for 2026 - It's all about seeing bikes and spending time with friends!

  • Email      Until we get closer to the show, email Mike at for show information or questions


Note - You can only apply one "supporter" coupon per person's eventual sign-up.  But if you're going to eventually sign up multiple people (as a couple, for example), you can purchase multiple supporter "items" and each person being signed up when the time comes will get the discount

We expect most supporters will come in at the $25 level - all support is greatly appreciated!


