It is the buyers responsibility to examine all items to determine if an item is safe for use  The buyer accepts all responsibility for use of items purchased





About Us

After a break, Boulder Bicycle has returned.  The company's founder and president Mike Kone has been in the vintage parts business since 1993.  Mike founded and led Bicycle Classics inc. until 2002 when it was sold to an east-coast bicycle shop.  Mike then re-entered the bicycle business in 2008 as Rene Herse Bicycles inc. which offered high-end randonneur bicycles and vintage parts.  Later Rene Herse Bicycles inc. was sold to Compass Cycles (now Rene Herse Cycles).  Through 2018 Boulder Bicycle produced a limited number of complete Rene Herse bicycles.  At the same time, Boulder Bicycle offered it's own line of randonneur and road sport bicycles.

In 2022 Boulder Bicycle organized the Classic Bicycles Auburn event in Auburn Indiana.  Just prior and then subsequent to the event, Boulder Bicycle "took a break" from the bicycle business.  But as of November 2023, Boulder Bicycle is back supplying vintage and "vintage in spirit" parts to the worldwide vintage lightweight community.

