It is the buyers responsibility to examine all items to determine if an item is safe for use  The buyer accepts all responsibility for use of items purchased





Contact Us

It's best to contact Boulder Bicycle by email.   At some point we may have "phone hours" again, but email is best for now.  Note that we are usually very quick to respond to an email.  If we don't get back to you within one business day, please email again.

Our physical address is by apppointment only.  The address is

4949 Broadway St, Unit 104, Boulder CO 80304


Are you trying to reach Golden Velo?

That's not us - but for a period, Golden Velo was using this platform to conduct their company's e-commerce.  If you place an order after November 4, 2023 you are purchasing and conducting business with Boulder Bicycle.  If you are trying to reach Golden Velo (they have a great retail store and lots of neat vintage bicycles and frames) their contact info is:

Email   Phone   +1 303 216-2000



