It is the buyers responsibility to examine all items to determine if an item is safe for use  The buyer accepts all responsibility for use of items purchased





Payment and Ordering Info

Boulder Bicycle, payment security is vitally important.  Boulder Bicycle does not store payment information on our systems; we leave it to the experts.  

You can make payment by Paypal and in most cases by credit card as well.  Whichever option you choose, at checkout you will select Paypal standard payments as the payment choice.  The system will then have you access the paypal system, and in most (but not all cases) you can then proceed as a "guest" and use a credit card (if you prefer) instead of your paypal account for payment.   Please contact us if you have any difficulties accessing the system.

Pay by a check?  Are you feeling retro?  Interestingly, it has become so easy for us to process checks with the latest technology that we're fine if you want to mail us a check.  But you need to email us regarding the items you want, we'll then set them aside and confirm availability, and then you mail us a check.  We'll wait a few days for it to clear.  But unlike the days when many of the items we sell were produced, checks now clear in just a couple of business days once we electronically deposit them.  

Additionally, many users prefer to NOT to set up an account with our on-line store.  If you're like us, it's a chore keeping track of different logins with different businesses.  So feel free NOT setting up an account with Boulder Bicycle and instead click on Express Checkout when you begin the checkout process.  Of course, if you're going to be a repeat customer (and we want to make sure you're happy and you visit often), then setting up your account for easy log-in on our site may be worthwhile.  Your choice!

