It is the buyers responsibility to examine all items to determine if an item is safe for use  The buyer accepts all responsibility for use of items purchased



Become a supporter of Classic Bicycles Auburn 2026 (no show in 2025)    Click Here


Shipping Department Status

Good now but  Upcoming Delay

  • As of Friday morning March 21 all orders received to date have been shipped
  • Orders received by Monday March 24th will ship by Tuesday March 25th
  • Orders received after Monday March 24th may be subject to a one-week shipping delay; No shipping starting Wednesday March 26th until we resume on Monday March 31


Boulder Bicycle Mini Museum of Vintage Lightweight Bicycles

Boulder Bicycle is pleaed to announce the opening of our museum of vintage lightweight bicycles.  It is relatively small, but it is packed with both rotating and permanent displays of vintage lightweight bicycles and parts from the late 1930's through the mid 1980's. Currently, the rotating display features an amazing array of Raleigh bicycles including some very special Ilkeston examples that are very unique.

The museum is currently by appointment only.  We encourage anyone interested in vintage lightweights to contact us at to set up an appointment for a personalized tour.  There is no fee to visit - it's just about having fun seeing (and learning) about fun vintage bicycles.

In January, we expect to announce open hours that won't require an appointment.  But in the meantime, please schedule a time to visit and say hi!





Mission Statement

Boulder Bicycle is dedicated to preserving interest in the collecting and safe use of vintage lightweight bicycles.  Boulder Bicycle recognizes that some enthusiasts are budget-bound and need affordable vintage/modern parts to maintain their passion.  Other enthusiasts seek ultimate collectible examples without financial constraint.  Boulder Bicycle seeks to satisfy the needs of each enthusiast type and those "in the middle".  Promoting vintage lightweight bicycle events and documentation is a vital part of the Boulder Bicycle Mission.  Let's have fun!


It's best to contact Boulder Bicycle by email.   At some point we may have "phone hours" again, but email is best for now.  Note that we are usually very quick to respond to an email.  If we don't get back to you within one business day, please email again.

Our physical address is by apppointment only.  The address is

4949 Broadway St, Unit 104, Boulder CO 80304


